Azure DevOps Course Training in Hyderabad

Get trained in industry standard tools and techniques, build solid foundations in DevOps

Learn from top DevOps trainers in Hyderabad

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Comprehensive Curriculum

Our DevOps course covers all essential aspects, including tools, methodologies, and real-world case studies, ensuring a holistic learning experience.

Experienced Faculty

Our instructors are industry experts with extensive hands-on experience in implementing DevOps practices across diverse projects.

Hands-on Training

We emphasize practical learning through hands-on exercises, projects, and simulations, enabling students to gain valuable practical skills.

Industry-Relevant Tools

We provide exposure to popular DevOps tools such as Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, and more, ensuring students are ready to tackle real-world challenges.

Placement Assistance

We offer dedicated placement support, including resume building, interview preparation, and connections to our network of partner organizations.

Flexible Learning Options

Our institute provides both classroom and online training, allowing students to choose a mode that best suits their schedule and preferences.



Azure DevOps

What is DevOps
A brief history about DevOps
Goals of DevOps
DevOps Vs Traditional Silos

Build Automation
Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment
Infrastructure as a Code
Configuration Management

Tools for Build Automation and Continuous Integration
Tools for Continuous Integration
Tools for Virtualization and Containerization
Tools for Monitoring
Tools for Orchestration

DevOps and Azure

Introduction to Agile
Various agile practices with Azure DevOps
Azure Project Wiki

Source Control
Exploring Azure Repos
Configuring branches
Branching Strategies
Pull Request Workflow
Using Git tags to Organise a repository
Exploring Repository Permissions
Azure Repos Demo and Git Workflow
Repository Sharing with Submodules
Connecting to GitHub Using Azure Active Directory
Exploring Code Reviews
Exploring Static Code Analysis
Using Pull Requests with Work Items

Using Git Tags to Organize Your Repository
Handling Large Repositories
Exploring Repository Permissions
Removing Repository Data
Recovering Repository Data

Azure Pipelines
Understanding Build Agents
Self Hosted Build Agents vs Microsoft hosted Agents
Agent Pools
Parallel Jobs
Classic Vs YAML pipelines
Pipeline as a Code (YAML)
Agent Demands
Multi Agent Builds
Using Build Trigger Rules
Incorporating Multiple Builds
Exploring Containerized Agents
GitHub Integration with Azure DevOps Pipelines
Integrate External Services with Azure Pipelines
Visual Studio Marketplace Demo
Exploring Testing Strategies in Your Build
Understanding Code Coverage
Discovering Pipeline Health Monitoring
Improving Pipeline Performance and Cost Efficiency
Incorporating Variable Groups

Create a Release Pipeline
Build and Release Tasks
Exploring Stages, Dependencies, and Conditions
Discovering Azure App Configuration
Implementing Release Gates
Implementing Deployment Slots Releases
Implementing Load Balancer and Traffic Manager Releases
Understanding Feature Toggles

What Is Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)?
Metric Charts and Dashboards
Application Health Checks
System Load and Failure Conditions
Baseline Metrics
Discovering Application Insights Smart Detection and Dynamic Thresholds
Deciding Which Dependencies to Set Alerts On

Discovering Package Management Tools
Exploring Azure Artifacts
Creating a Versioning Strategy for Artifacts

Exploring Configuration Management
Introducing PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)
Implementing PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) for Application Infrastructure
Discovering Azure Policy
Exploring Azure Policy Guest

Understanding Deployment Solution Options
Exploring Infrastructure as Code: ARM vs. Terraform
Discovering Azure Bicep
Exploring Infrastructure as Code: PowerShell vs. CLI
Linting ARM Templates
Deploying a Database
Understanding SQL Data Movement
Introduction to Visual Studio App Center
Exploring CDN and IoT Deployments
Understanding Azure Stack and Sovereign Cloud Deployments

Exploring Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM)
Exploring Azure AD Conditional Access
Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication
Working with Service Principals
Working with Managed Identities
Using Service Connections
Incorporating Vaults
Exploring Azure Pipelines Secrets
Discovering GitHub Secrets

Static Code Analysis
Dynamic code Analysis
Understanding Dependency Scanning
Exploring Container Dependency Scanning
Incorporating Security into Your Pipelines
Scanning for Compliance with tools like WhiteSource Bolt and SonarQube

Discovering Logs in Azure
Introducing Azure Monitor Logs
Controlling Who Has Access to Your Logs
Discovering Crash Analytics
Introducing Distributed Tracing
Understanding User Analytics with Application Insights and App Center
Exploring Infrastructure Performance Indicators
Configure Alerts for Pipeline Events with Slack and Teams
Exploring Monitoring Feedback Loops

Exploring Custom Dashboards
Incorporating Work Items with Deployments
Using GitHub with Azure Boards

Onboarding New Employees
Exploring Azure DevOps Dependency Tracking

Azure Admin

The language of Cloud Computing
The Economy of Cloud Computing
Cloud Service Models
Azure MarketPlace
Cloud Architect Models

Regions and Availability Zones
Resource Groups and ARMn
Demo: Creating Azure Resources
Azure Resource Manager
Azure Portal and Azure Cloud Shell
Azure CLI and Powershell
Using ARM Templates

Virtual Network
Demo: Create a Virtual Network
Load Balancer
VPN Gateway
Application Gateway
Content Delivery Network
Azure DNS
Azure Firewall
Service Endpoints and Private EndPoints
Intersite Connectivity
Vnet Peering

Storage Accounts
Blob Object Replication
Blob Life Cycle Management
Azure File Sync

Virtual Machines
Demo: Create a VM
Scale sets
App Services
Azure Container Instances
Azure Kubernetes Service
Azure Virtual Desktops
Azure Functions
Demo: Azure App Services

Azure Active Directory
Users, Tenants, Groups
Multi-Factor Authentication
Single Sign-On
AD Device Management
Roles in Azure
Assigning Access to Resources
Custom Roles

Azure Monitor
Setting up Alerts and Actions
Azure Monitor Logs
Monitor Insights
Application Insights
Network Watcher

Disaster Recovery
Azure Backup
Azure Site Recovery
Backup Reports

Cosmos DB
Azure SQL
Azure Database for MySQL
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Database Migration Services

Defence in Depth
Securing Network Connectivity
Public and Private Endpoints
Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Key Vault
Azure Information Protection
Microsoft Defender for Identity
Azure Sentinel
Azure Dedicated Hosts
Demo: Azure Key Vault

Azure Monitor
Monitoring Tools
Azure Service Health
Azure Arc

Managing Subscriptions
Cost Management
Pricing Factor
Demo: Using the pricing Calculator
Azure Policies
Cloud Governance Strategy

Service Life Cycle


K8S Basics
K8s Architectural Overview
Building a Kubernetes Cluster
Using Namespaces in K8s

K8s Management Overview
Introduction to High Availability in K8s
Introducing K8s Management Tools
Safely Draining a K8s Node
Upgrading K8s with kubeadm
Backing Up and Restoring etcd Cluster Data
Cluster Management Summary

Working with kubectl
Managing K8s Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Creating ServiceAccounts
Inspecting Pod Resource Usage
Using Custom Resources (CRD)
Understanding Kubernetes Auth
Exploring Admission Control
Managing Compute Resource Usage
Configuring Applications with ConfigMaps and Secrets
Configuring SecurityContext for Containers

Building Container Images
Running Jobs and CronJobs
Building Multi-Container Pods
Using Init Containers
Using Multiple Containers in a Kubernetes Pod
Managing Application Configuration
Managing Container Resources
Monitoring Container Health with Probes
Building Self-Healing Pods with Restart Policies
Creating Multi-Container Pods
Introducing Init Containers

Exploring K8s Scheduling
Assigning a Kubernetes Pod to a Specific Node
Using DaemonSets
Using DaemonSets in Kubernetes
Using Static Pods in Kubernetes

K8s Deployments Overview
Scaling Applications with Deployments
Managing Rolling Updates with Deployments
Deploying with Blue/Green and Canary Strategies
Installing Helm
Using Helm
Deploying Packaged Kubernetes Apps with Helm

K8s Networking Architectural Overview
CNI Plugins Overview
Understanding K8s DNS
Using NetworkPolicies

K8s Services Overview
Using K8s Services
Exposing Kubernetes Pods Using Services
Using Kubernetes Services With DNS
Using Kubernetes Ingress
Controlling Network Access with NetworkPolicies - Part 2
Exposing Applications with Ingress

K8s Storage Overview
Using K8s Volumesor
Exploring K8s Persistent Volumes
Using K8s Persistent Volumes

Understanding the API Deprecation Policys
Implementing Probes and Health Checks
Implementing Health Checks in a Kubernetes Application
Monitoring Kubernetes Applications
Accessing Container Logs
Debugging in Kubernetes


Getting Started with Ansible
A Brief Tour of the Ansible Configuration File
Ad-Hoc Ansible Commands

Variables and Inventories
Using YAML in Inventories
Dynamic Inventories
Working with Ansible Inventories

Introduction to Playbooks and Common Modules
Create Playbooks to Configure Systems to a Specified State
Basic Playbook Syntax Demonstration
Use Variables to Retrieve the Results of Running Commands
Use Conditionals to Control Play Execution Part 1
Configure Error Handling
Demo: Error Handling – Ignore Errors
Demo: Error Handling – Block Groups
Selectively Run Specific Tasks In Playbooks Using Tags

Using Ansible Templates Lecture
Demo: Using Ansible Templates

Ansible Variables Lecture
Ansible Variables - Magic Variables and Jinja Filters
Ansible Variables - Variable Files
Ansible Facts Lecture
Working with Ansible Facts

Working with Ansible Roles Lecture
Applying In-Line Roles and Role Dependencies
Working with Ansible Roles
Download roles from an Ansible Galaxy
Ansible Galaxy

Parallelism in Ansible

The Ansible-Vault Command
Using Vaults in Playbooks
Working with Confidential Data in Ansible

Introduction to Ansible Tower
Installing Ansible Tower
Use Documentation to Look Up Specific Information About Ansible Modules and Commands
Finding Documentation

Shell Scripts to Run Ad-Hoc Commands
Firewall Rules
Scheduled Tasks: Cron
Scheduled Tasks: `at`

Ad-Hoc Ansible shell scripts
Ansible Archiving
Ansible Cron
Ansible Scheduling with AT
Ansible Security


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